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发布日期:2013-05-07      阅读次数:169675 次        评论:128995 (我要评论)


  Lesson plan   

Teacher: Easter Tan (谭晓陵)

Form of lesson: Writing tips (2)----Improving the writing skills

Students: Class 1, Grade 9

Date: 27th March, 2013


Learning objectives:

At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to…

1.    make a clear idea about the accuracy of the language and experience the variety of the language.

2.    understand how to improve this article by using different writing skills.

3.   use these skills to make various kinds of articles better.


Teaching Procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


Pre-writing activities




1. Have the Ss think about two questions:

a. What is process of writing articles like?

b. What is the process of improving the writing skills like ?


1. Share the ideas about these two questions freely.






Stimulate the Ss’ interest of today’s topic.






2. Show the Ss some pictures about different kinds of houses or buildings


2. Look at the pictures and try to imagine the relation between the houses and the articles

Help the Ss find out the problems of their articles and realize the importance of the improvement on writing skills.

While-writing procedure

1. Have the students make the expressions more accurately by correcting the grammar mistakes in their articles by themselves.


1. Correct the grammar mistakes in their articles by themselves and then exchange them with their partners.

(Check the spelling, number, person, tense, voice, collocation etc.)

Help the Ss make a clear idea about the accuracy of the language.

2. Have the Ss read the two given articles and point out the  problems.

2. Read these two articles carefully and point out the problems.


Help the Ss get a clear idea about how to make the articles more detailed, complete and reasonable step by step.

3. Have the Ss make their articles more detailed, complete and reasonable by themselves.


3. Make their articles more detailed, complete and reasonable by themselves and share the ideas with the group members:

Check whether the article includes the beginning, ending, topic sentences, supporting details etc.

Check whether the arrangement of the article is reasonable.

4. Divide the Ss into two groups according to their abilities.

Give the Ss some examples about the methodology on how to make the articles more persuasive, special, attractive and logical.


4. Follow the two kinds of requirements to make the articles more persuasive, special, attractive and logical according to the different abilities.


Help the Ss realize their own problems and learn how to make the articles more persuasive, special, attractive and logical.



1. Have the students summarize the key points of improving the writing skills.


1. Summarize the key points of improving the writing skills in details.


Let the Ss experience and realize the key  points of this lesson.





a. Rewrite the article “My view on online shopping”to make it better.

b. Try to use these writing tips to improve or rewrite another article “My opinion on having lessons at weekends”.

Help the Ss consolidate the learning of the lesson.




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